1st registration per team: 49,90€ - 0% = 49,90€ (4,16€ month per team) Annual payment
Annual renewal per team: 9,98€ (0,83€ month per team) Annual payment
3 to 10 teams
1st registration per team: 49,90€ - 20% = 39,92€ (3,32€ month per team) Annual payment
Annual renewal per team: 9,98€ (0,83€ month per team) Annual payment
11 to 20 teams
1st registration per team: 49,90€ - 30% = 34,93€ (2,91€ month per team) Annual payment
Annual renewal per team: 9,98€ (0,83€ month per team) Annual payment
+ 21 teams
1st registration per team: 49,90€ - 50% = 24,95€ (2,07€ month per team) Annual payment
Annual renewal per team: 9,98€ (0,83€ month per team) Annual payment
10 frequently asked questions
1 - Do I have to install the software on a computer or somewhere?
NO, not at all. The software only needs to be configured since it operates in the online platform.
2 - Can I operate the current software on any computer, IPad, Tablet, iPhone, Android, etc?
YES, you only need a Wi-Fi internet access and therefore you are able to work anywhere and any device.
3 - Is it possible to save and print all the executed work?
YES, every work you execute is saved in a PDF format and/or printed on any printer.
4 - Is any chance to lose all my data, work and information integrated into the site?
NO, the entire platform makes bidaily backups where every document/information is stored in a safe place.
5 - Can I manage and control simultaneously more than one team (eg, seniors, juniors, schools)?
YES, you are able to work with several teams at the same time, as long as it is allowed by your plan.
6 - Either my software or my database is public to every person?
NO, it is a personal and non-transferable access. Only an allowed person (LOGIN) is authorized to the access.
7 - Is it a yearly renewal?
YES, once your account expires (365 days) and you want to continue to work with this software, you need to make a renewal of your account.
8 - Before the renewal is finished, and I make the new yearly renewal, is it possible to accumulate the remaining days?
YES, once you make the new yearly renewal, even if the previous subscription is not already finished, you are accumulating 365 days to the remaining days of the employment.
9 - In case my account is not renewed on the scheduled date, do I eventually lose all my data or am I somehow only punished?
NO, you are able to renew your account anytime you want without being afraid of losing all your date or being punished.
10 - Is it possible to change either the Package and/or the Plan without losing all my work or information?
YES, you can change any plan anytime you want without being afraid of losing all your work and/or information.